Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The Russian National Museum Projects of as a form of National Ideology

R.V. Dorokhina, M.V. Marina

UDC 069(1-4)               


Rimma V. Dorokhina, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Sociology and History at Voronezh State Technical University, ORCID 0000-0003-2263-6424, e-mail:

Mariya V. Marina, Director of the Museum of Engineering, Graduate Student of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and History at Voronezh State Technical University, e-mail:


A national idea is understood in philosophy as a systematic generalization of national identity. The essence of national identity determines the existence of a people or ethnic group. There is currently no national idea in our country, although at every step we hear about patriotism. The first chapter of the modern Constitution of the Russian Federation which was adopted in 1993 recognizes ideological diversity. The text says: “No ideology can be established as state or mandatory.” For the lack of a national idea all programs of patriotic education do not lead to the formation of the ideal of a citizen and patriot. In the history of social thought in our country one can find many useful examples that could create a modern national idea as the state basis.

Key words: museum, education, nation, ideology, education.



1. Adelung, F.P. Proposal to establish the Russian National Museum // Son of the Fatherland. 1817. No. XIV.

2. Adelung, F.P. Proposal for the Establishment of the Russian National Museum. In: Museological thought in Russia in XVIII–XX centuries: Collection of documents and materials. Moscow: Eterna, 2010. 960 p.

3. Vikhman, B.G. Russian domestic museum. In: Museological thought in Russia in XVIII–XX centuries: Collection of documents and materials. Moscow: Eterna, 2010. 960 p.

4. Vikhman, B.G. Russian National Museum. Son of Fatherland. 1821. No. XXXIII.

5. Svinyin, P.P. A brief inventory of the objects that make up the Russian museum. In: Museological thought in Russia in XVII–XX centuries: Collection of documents and materials. Moscow: Eterna, 2010. 960 p.

6. Svinyin, P.P. Brief inventory of the objects of the Russian Museum. St. Petersburg, 1829.

7. Svinyin, P.P. Pictures of Russia and the Life of its Different Tribes. St. Petersburg, 1839. Part 1.

8. A Brief Inventory of Objects Composing the Russian Museum by Pavel Svinyin. St. Petersburg, 1829.

9. Zan, T.K. About methods and ways of creation of a prospective museum in Orenburg. In: Museological thought in Russia in XVIII–XX centuries: Collection of documents and materials. Moscow: Eterna, 2010. 960 p.