UDC 159.9-053
Galina F. Golubeva, Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Assistant Professor at I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk State University, e-mail: golubeva.galia2012@yandex.ru
Elena M. Feshchenko, Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Assistant Professor at I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk State University, e-mail: emfeshchenko@mail.ru
The article analyzes the features of the individual psychological characteristics of high school students and their manifestations of suicidal risks. The results of studying the propensity to suicidal reactions are presented. The analysis of data on the main components of suicidal behavior (demonstrativeness, affectivity, uniqueness, failure, maximalism, time perspective) is carried out. The features of accentuations of the character and temperament of high school students, the level of their intellectual development are considered. The relationship of these phenomena with suicidal behavior is determined, confirmed by a correlation analysis of the data.
Key words: suicidal behavior, suicidal risk, character accentuations, temperament, intelligence, introversion, extraversion, neuroticism, senior school age, personality, correlation.
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