Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Is cultural thought in Russia enriching by province?

Х.Г. Тхагапсоев, L.B. Berberova

Уметов М.А. Этнокультурный код здоровья адыгов. Нальчик: Изд-во  М. и В. Котляровых, 2021. 76 с.

ISBN 9-785-93681-827-9


UDC 130.2


Khazhismel G. Tkhagapsoev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Kabardino-Balkarian State University, e-mail:   

Liana B. Berberova, Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, e-mail:


The monograph of Umetov M.A. “Ethno-cultural code of health of the Adyghes” is analyzed. It is argued that the categorical definition of “ethno-cultural code of health”, proposed by the author of the monograph, has not only cognitive and epistemological potential, but also creates new prerequisites for the dialogue of cultures and intercultural communication, which is especially important in the conditions of multi-ethnic Russia.

Key words: culture, health, culture code, cultural health code, ethno-cultural health code, cultural and everyday way of life of an ethnic group.



1. Umetov, M.A. The Ethnocultural Code of Adyghe Health. Nalchik: Publishing House M. and V. Kotlyarov, 2021. 76 с.

2. Tkhagapsoev, Kh.G. Ethno-ethnicity as an inheritance of Russian federalism. Scientific Thought of the Caucasus. 2002. No. 3. P. 25–33.

3. Tkhagapsoev, Kh.G. On the Peculiarities of Existence of Modern Russia. Philosophic Sciences. 2007. No. 9. P. 48–66.

4. To the Problems and Prospects of Development of Russian Culturology. Voprosy Kulturologii. 2012. No. 8. P. 6–12.