Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Gender interrelations: history and perspectives

G.F. Zakirova

UDC 305


Gulnara F. Zakirova, university teacher at Kazan State Power-Engineering University, e-mail:


The article deals with the changed position of men and women as related to each other in the light of the changes occurring in society. It is stated that the formal alignment that occurred as a result of the growth of economic well-being (that gave woman material independence from man) and the tolerance of Western society (which provides woman with legal protection) created unprecedented opportunities for building free and happy relationships. Today, we witness, in many manifestations of life, the onset of “feminine socialism” (G. Marcuse) limiting the rights of men but carried out in their interests as well. However, the “temptations” of modern civilization associated with consumerism and liberalization of relationships, without due effort and a sense of proportion threaten to waste the current favorable socio-economic situation. Mutual active participation in building relationships, overcoming the “relaxing” standards of life imposed by the consumer society, and opposition to the erasure of the boundaries of male and female are the threats to which the authors pay the most attention. Social implosion, the dictate of mass culture, profanation of intimacy and transgressive sexual experiments are their vivid manifestation. In this regard, the aim of the work is to identify the most common factors that contribute to and hinder the construction of effective intimate relationships in modern Western society.

Key words: man, woman, transsexuality, patriarchy, feminism, mass culture, implosion, explosion, consumer society.



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