Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Virtual pedagogical class in the context of a classical university: principles of organization, problems, solutions

Elina Elena G., Р.М. Шамионов

UDC 373-042.1:378


Elena G. Elina, Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of General Literary Studies and Journalism, Head of Priority Projects and Programs at Saratov State National Research University, e-mail:

Rail M. Shamionov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychological-Pedagogical and Special Education, Head of the Chair of Social Psychology of Education and Development at Saratov State National Research University, e-mail:


The creation of pedagogical classes based on the initiative of teachers usually working in higher education organizations is now becoming compulsory, as required by the Russian Ministry of Education. New normative and methodological documents require a focus on modules and disciplines whose content largely mirrors higher education curricula, and school teachers become the main instructors in psycho-pedagogical classes. This approach seems insufficiently developed: it does not take into consideration the age specifics of schoolchildren, narrows down the topics of these classes and overestimates the capabilities of learners during pedagogical tryouts. This article proposes a different program content for psycho-pedagogical classes, based on the experience gained by Saratov University and other universities in the country and implemented by leading university professors. The value system, current principles and conceptual model of the university pedagogical class are presented. Schoolchildren listen to lectures on great educators and their influence on civilizational processes, discuss pedagogical communication tools, learn about digital hygiene, explore generation issues in their own lives and in the professional activities of teachers, and get acquainted with pedagogical design. Expanding the thematic core, actualization of the general background knowledge, facts, events, cases, embedding the educational paradigm into the personal paradigm of each learner appears to be a cutting-edge and timely principle for the design of a pedagogical class. The article demonstrates the potential of binary classroom technology through a themed dialogue of teachers, framed as a discussion. The conceptual basis of the proposed model is a dialogue which is implemented through continuous feedback using the advantages of videoconferencing platforms, social networks and e-mail.

Key words:  psycho-pedagogical virtual class, SSU — Saratov State University, value system, educational content, dialogue.



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