Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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General cultural factors of the formation of the management culture of the Internal Affairs

D.G. Perednya

UDC 316.4+354:005.33       


Dmitriy G. Perednya,

PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology

of Public Administration

of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia,



This study examines general cultural factors that contribute to the emergence of management culture in specific forms of its existence in relatively large organizations. General cultural factors are described in relation to the internal affairs bodies. The consideration includes a set of general cultural factors due to civilizational characteristics. And also based on the specifics of various types of society. A description of the interactions of the participants in the management process is proposed based on the prevailing social relations inherent in pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial types of society. Russian society, due to its historical specificity, is diverse in ethnic, religious, demographic, economic and other characteristics. It is in such a heterogeneous social environment that the internal affairs bodies operate.

In this article, the description and explanation of general cultural factors is carried out through the understanding of the essence of services, types of consumption and characteristics of public consciousness of subjects and objects of management. Attention is focused on the differences in cultures of different types of society. In what type of culture were employees and managers socialized, in which the social environment the police units operate, which expectations prevail among the population, which social order is formulated by the public, such will be the manifestations of administrative culture. The conclusion is that in order to understand both the manifestation and the external conditioning of the management culture of the internal affairs agencies, it is important to understand the specific influence of general cultural factors and the opening up of opportunities to optimize the phenomenon under study.

Key words: management culture, general cultural factors, policing.




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