Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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PGUPS Traditions: History and Modernity. From the experience of the Oldest Transport University in Russia

V.V. Fortunatov, A.A. Beschasnaya, A.O. Zinoviev, E.E. Platova, A.G. Firsov

UDC 378::625(091)    


VladimirV. Fortunatov,

Dr. Sci. (History), Professor, Head of Department;

Albina A. Beschasnaya,

Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Professor;

Andrey O. Zinoviev,

Cand. Sci. (Politics), Associate Professor;

Ekaterina E. Platova,

Dr. Sci. (History), Professor;

and Andrey G. Firsov,

Cand. Sci.

(History), Associate Professor.

All at Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University,

Departament of History, Philosophy, Political Science and Sociology,

e-mail: ;


The historical experience of the formation, development and enrichment of traditions that determine the appearance, features of the St. Petersburg State University of Railways of Emperor Alexander I, the oldest transport and engineering and construction university in Russia, is analyzed. For the first time in the domestic literature, it is compactly and concretely shown that during the four most important stages of the history of the university, the most important, fundamental aspects of the life of the university were carefully preserved, supported, which acquired the character of traditions that ensure the sustainable development of the university.

Key words: railway engineers, traditions, transport intelligentsia, educational process, corporate spirit, patriotism.




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2. Fortunatov, V.V. Avgustin Betancourt as the Chief Architect of St. Petersburg: to the 200th Anniversary of the Committee for Structures and Hydraulic Works. Clio. 2017. No. 6 (126). P. 159–165.

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8. Fortunatov, V.V., Golubev, A.A. Patriotic heroism of Russian transport workers in the First World War: 1914–1918. St. Petersburg, 2015. 83 p.

9. History of railway transport in Russia and the Soviet Union. 1917–1945. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg, 1997. P. 211.

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11. Kiselev, I.P., Panychev, A.Y., Fortunatov, V.V. The highway of Victory. Leningrad institute of engineers of railroad transport in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. St. Petersburg, 2020. 160 p.

12. The Lenin Order of the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers named after Academician V.N. Obraztsov. 1809–1959. Мoscow, 1960. P. 254.

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14. Augustin Betancourt: From Traditions to the Future of Engineering Education: Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference (St. Petersburg, February 1–2, 2018). T.S. Titov (ed.). St. Petersburg: FGBOU VO PGUPS, 2018. 260 p.

15. The Legacy of Augustine de Betancourt. O.A. Zharkovskaya, I.P. Kiselev, I.Y. Khitarova (compls.). Collection of Works of International Scientific and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg: Polytechnika-print, 2016.