Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Education as a subject of philosophy

A.M. Mirzakhmedov, K.A. Elmirov, S.A. Pardaeva

UDC 37.1


A.M. Mirzakhmedov is Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. Prof. at department of social sciences e-mail:; K.A. Elmirov is Applicant for department of social sciences, both at Namangan Engineerng Technological Institute e-mail:; and S.A. Pardaeva is Applicant for department of social sciences at Jizzakh branch of National University of Uzbekistan n.a. M. Ulugbek


Discussed is upbringing as a socio-cultural characteristic of social experience, which makes it possible to form an idea of ​​upbringing as a necessity for social progress in philosophical thought. A complex of philosophical and pedagogical methods is used: analysis, synthesis, comparison, discourse analysis of educational programs, secondary analysis of the results of sociological research. It is determined that modern pedagogy is characterized by a crisis of the educational process, which has arisen with an urgent need for a philosophical understanding of the problem of education. The purpose of this work is to analyze the specifics of a philosophical approach to the phenomenon of education as a process of socio-philosophical research. In this regard, a need arose to study the essence of the phenomenon of education in the context of global information technology. According to the authors, the philosophy of upbringing is the most important factor in the interdisciplinary study of the problems of upbringing for the improvement of society. n arguing this issue, the authors are based on the pedagogical concepts of famous philosophers who determined the development of pedagogy of the last century. Thus, the authors propose to include in the curriculum the course “Philosophy of Education” that exists in the universities of the CIS. The authors of the articles identified the priorities of the effectiveness of higher and secondary specialized education in interdisciplinary research of the problem of education.

Key words: education, philosophy of education, experience, education, pedagogical philosophy, education as immunity.



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