UDC 37.09-056.3:51
A.N. Semakin is Cand. Sci. (Physics & Mathematic), Ass. Prof. e-mail: arte-semaki@yandex.ru; G.P. Emgusheva is Cand. Sci. (Physics & Mathematic), Ass. Prof. e-mail: galina_emg@bmstu.ru
Both at Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Presented is enlarged didactic units developed by P.M. Erdniev for teaching mathematics, that improves the ability of students to understand educational material. This effect is achieved as a result of organizing the educational process according to the principles of complementarity of teaching methods and the spatial and temporal combination of interrelated elements of knowledge. Among the basic mathematical disciplines taught at Bauman Moscow State Technical University for students with disabilities the most difficult discipline is Linear Algebra, which is due to its content and various problems with students’ health. Linear Algebra is largely based on the theory from Analytical Geometry that is quite well perceived by students with disabilities. A comparative analysis of these disciplines shows that the enlarged didactic units linking these disciplines together can significantly simplify the study of Linear Algebra. However, due to difficulties with scheduling the time gap between these disciplines can be up to two semesters, which makes it impossible to directly use the enlarged didactic units. To solve this problem, we introduce the supporting discipline "Cognitive technologies for supporting the discipline Linear Algebra" which runs in parallel with Linear Algebra and which is based on the material of Analytical Geometry. Forming its content in close connection with Linear Algebra in accordance with the main principles of the enlarged didactic units, we smoothly lead students to the understanding of abstract concepts of Linear Algebra, reducing the complexity of learning.
Key words: enlarged didactic unit, linear algebra, cognitive technologies.
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