Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Heutagogy as a theory of self-education and personality development: assessment by masters’ and doctoral students

A.K. Mynbaeva, Н.А. Асильбек

UDC 37.01


A.K. Mynbayeva is Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Prof. of Department of General and Applied Psychology e-mail:, and N.A. Assilbek is Senior Lecturer e-mail: Both at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan


Researched is the new in theory of education, i.e. heutagogy as a theory of self-education in a digital and knowledge society complements classical pedagogy and andragogy. Heutagogy is becoming one of the sciences of distance education. How do students of postgraduate education-master and PhD courses assess their potential for self-development and the foundations of heutagogics? The purpose of the article is to analyze and generalize the foundations of heutagogy as a theory of self-determination and self-education in the digital era, as well as to assess the principles of heutagogy by Kazakhstani master and doctoral students for their further self-development. In the article the continuity of the development of “Pedagogy – Andragogy – Heutagogy” (PAH) is reflected, the principle of PAH-continuum is substantiated, the strengths and weaknesses of the use of heutagogics in education are identified. Since a synergetic approach is more studied and applied in the domestic tradition, it can enrich the heutagogic foundations of modern education. In the practical part of the study, a questionnaire survey of 125 master’s and doctoral students of Kazakhstan was carried out in the 2020/2021 academic year. According to the self-assessment of the respondents, 78.4% of students are constantly engaged in self-development, and 20% — are unsystematic. Most of the students in the sample approve of the four principles of heutagogy, but some undergraduates and doctoral students dispute or suggest improving them. Thanks to the application of the heutagogic approach, a person can increase his intellectual potential throughout his life.

Key words: heutagogy, self-education, andragogy, synergetics, postgraduate education, distance learning, questionnaire.



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