UDC 330"192"
E.G. Khrushchev is lecturer of department of theory and history of state and law at South-West State University, Kursk City e-mail: deskssss@gmail.ru
Presented is an analysis of results of industrial economic development of Soviet Russia in the period of industrialization. The relevance of the research topic is explained by the fact that in modern conditions there are tendencies to change various aspects of society in the conditions of the state and legal superstructure. One of their determining factors is the processes of globalization and integration, which entail, first of all, the need to reorganize the socio-economic national models of society. Thus, in order to smooth, balanced and harmonized reform of the state and legal superstructure at the national and supranational levels of legal regulation of public relations, a detailed historical and legal analysis of the accumulated experience of building and implementing state management of economic relations and processes in the conditions of various socio-economic formations and national political and legal regimes. In this regard, one can draw attention to the significant successes in the socialist reorganization of agriculture during the NEP period, which caused tremendous changes in the life of the country. There is a radical reorganization of the economic formation and the nature of the organization of economic ties and relations. Deprived of their production base, the former exploiters have not disappeared from life, but their social and legal status has changed. Many former exploiters went to work in enterprises and institutions, penetrated into collective and state farms. Some of them joined the ranks of declassed elements. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive historical and legal analysis of the results of the economic development of Soviet Russia during the NEP period. Tasks: historical and legal analysis of the characteristic features of the NEP as a necessary component of building economic ties and relations in a new state formation; assessment of the results of the economic development of the Soviet-type state in the context of the new economic policy. Methodology. To achieve the stated goal when considering the stated problem, in this article, such methods of scientific knowledge of reality as analysis and synthesis, as well as dialectical, logical, historical, systemic methods were used. The results of the work are that the author attempted a comprehensive historical and legal study of the features of building economic ties in the conditions of the NEP, which can contribute to further scientific understanding of this problem. In the second half of 1929, the development of the countryside underwent a transformation from a capitalist system to a socialist one, the essence of which consisted in a change in production relations, in the abolition of private ownership of the means of production and in the establishment of cooperative-collective farm property. The change in production relations in the countryside proceeded along two lines: the confiscation of the means of production from the kulaks and their voluntary socialization from the working peasantry. Such a revolution in the socio-economic structure of the countryside proceeded as a decisive elimination of internal capitalism.
Key words: new economic policy, industry, economic potential, “war communism”, pricing, pricing policy, normative legal act.
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