Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Organization of project activity of children with disabilities under conditions of FGOS (example of rural medium school in Novosergievsk district of Orenburg region)

В.В. Пахарь, Е.И. Пахарь, В.А. Пахарь

UDC 376             


V.V. Pakhar is deputy Director of the School for Research Activities e-mail: ; E.I. Pakhar is Director of the School e-mail:; and V.A. Pakhar is Teacher e-mail: All from Municipal educational budget school “Suzanovsk medium educational school” in village Suzanovo, Novosergievsk district of Orenburg region


Examined is the problem of development of children with disabilities by means of project activity with reckoning of Federal state educational standard (FGOS). Described is project activity, dealt with children with disabilities on the base of rural school in Novosergeevsk district of Orenburg region. Summerized are results and also made conclusions as to the research work.

Key words: children with disabilities, rural school, project activity, individual project, research activity, Federal state educational standard (FGOS).


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