Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Social (in) justice, economic inequality and structural conflict at the early twenty-first century

A.P. Ryazantsev

UDC 316.33"20"


A.P. Ryazantsev is Master at National Research University “Higher School of Economics” e-mail:;


Analyzed are problems of socio-economic inequality and its connection with structural conflicts, which are expressed in actions of a number of social movements (anti-globalists, alter-globalists, anarchists, etc.). Theoretical analysis of socio-economic inequality based on specific cases related to these social movements leads to the following conclusions: internal conflict of one individual with the state, it’s policies and associated low standard of living gives the individual an incentive to search for like-minded people. Such groups of like-minded people can become the basis for entire organizations, and social movements and demonstrations, which most often lead to massive outbursts of violence. The internal conflict of the individual turns into an external conflict of the masses, which is a direct consequence of the structural conflict arising from the uneven distribution of economic benefits in the social structure of society, the high level of socio-economic inequality and social injustice, which becomes the main cause of social tension.

Key words: socio-economic inequality, structural conflict, social movements, injustice, masses.