Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The Concept of cultural values from the Philosophical point of view

A.V. Grishchuk

UDC 130.2          


A.V. Grishchuk is Assistant of the Department of Foreign Languages, Sevastopol State University e-mail:


The article describes the meaning of the philosophical category of “values”, its integration with culture, the role and significance of cultural values, the formation of a culture of being, examples of interpretations of philosophers of the 19th and 20th centuries are given. The categories of objects that are cultural values are highlighted. Also, the article discusses in detail the axiological approaches in philosophy and highlights several facts that deserve special attention. While working with this article, we come to the conclusion that the “Axiological Turn” describes in great detail the relationship of people, both just one-on-one with each other, and with a group, with society. The key moment in this event is the development of such forms of thinking inherent in culture and man, which will help maintain good relationships with the environment, with nature, with society. The “axiological turn” helps people to understand the importance of feeling a part of society and how important the development of language is as a means of intercultural communication. “Axiological turn” describes culture as an integral composite phenomenon, consisting of independent elements, but related to each other. All these elements are characteristic of any group of people and are one of the main sources of communication, self-identification and also the integration of the individual into the social system.

Key words: values, cultural values, philosophical category, culture of being, axiological turn, rectitude, morality, worldview, life activity, thinking.



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