Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Education: socialization vs individualization

N.I. Lobanova


UDC  37.01


N.I. Lobanova is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. Prof. at Philosophy and Sociology sub-faculty at Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university n.a. V.P. Astafiev e-mail: 


Presented is an attempt to understand the concept of individualization of education. The article analyzes interpretations of this concept, that have emerged in recent years. Identified are elements, on which is focused attention of researchers, namely: individualization of the educational process, and individualization of the student. It is established that reasons, that prevent individualization of learning, are features of organization of educational process, while influence, that conservative nature of institute of education has effect on reducing effectiveness of the process of differentiation and individualization is not noticed. It is revealed that the need for educational system to perform functions of socialization and cultural reproduction sets tasks that at latent level contradict with requirements of individualization. Implementation of these functions is accompanied by formation of logical conformism among students and unification of their identifications that are individually and personally expressed in processes of self-typing. Thus, in order to transform education in accordance with ideas of variation, differentiation and individualization, it is necessary to study the limits of institutional possibilities for individualization of both student and learning process, as well as to explore the possibility of transformation in the context of individualization of institutional nature of the education system itself.

Key words: educational system, socialization, individualization of learning, logical conformism, self-typification, unification of identifications.



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