Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Linguoculturological approach in training Russian language as foreign one to representatives of generation Z

G.N. Pudikova

UDC 37.09:811.161.1


G.N. Pudikova is senior lecturer at Peoples Friendship University of Russia e-mail:


Substantiated is importance of introduction linguoculturological approach in training in foreign language of the generation Z. Empathize is laid on attention, that it is currently drawn to the quality of teaching Russian as foreign language. Back in the 2000s, linguistic paradigm undergone changes that entail transformation of approaches to teaching Russian as foreign language, so that anthropocentricity of language is now in the focus. Noted is, that discussed linguoculturological approach to education is being implemented at three levels, i.e. intercultural, speech and personality. These levels imply exchange of information through interaction with people, who have different values and types of behavior, and are being engaged in verbal and non-verbal communication, which bases on labeling the partner in conversation and member of certain linguocultural community. The article suggests drawing special attention to fostering of linguocultural competence, when teaching younger generation. The fostering process is proposed to conduct through implementation of special courses, as well as engagement in intercultural communication.

Key words: linguoculturological approach, communication process, linguistic and cultural competence, intercultural communication, generation Z, Russian as foreign language.