Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On the problem of formation of value attitude of society to inclusive education

M.Yu. Aybazova, Ф.Р. Контлакова

UDC 376:316.4:13     


M.Yu. Aybazova is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof. at North Caucasian State Academy; and F.R. Kontlukova is PhD student at Karachay-Cherkess State University e-mail:


Examined are problems of formation of value attitude of society to inclusive education, identified are problems and contradictions in the process of introduction of inclusive education in regions. Presented are ways to solve problems, that contribute to formation of positive attitude to ideas and principles of inclusive education from general public.

Key words: inclusive education, value attitude to inclusive education, means, forms and methods of forming positive attitude to inclusive education.



1. On ratification of Convention on rights of disabled persons. The Federal Law (FL) from 3rd May, 2012.

2. On social defiance of disabled persons in the Russian Federation. FL from 24th November, 1995, No. 181-FZ.

3. On education in the Russian Federation. FL from 29th December, 2012, No. 273-FZ.

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7. Methodical recommendations on organization of easy to access of environment for disabled persons and other less mobility group of population at enterprises, in organizations and institutions, law regulating by Minpromtorg of Russia. Moscow, 2016.

8. Requirements to organization of educational process for disabled persons and persons with limited possibilities of health in professional educational organizations (adapt. by Minobrnauka of Russia at 26.12.2013, No. 06-2412vn).

9. On entering for education persons with OVZ. Letter from Rosobrnadzor from 16.04.2015, No. 01-50-174/07-1968.

10. On education in the Russian Federation. FL from 29.12.2012, No. 273-FZ (the latest redaction).

11. Convention on rights of the child (adapted by GA of the UN, 20.11.1989).

12. Convention on rights of disabled persons. Adapted by GA of the UN at 13th December, 2006.

13. Order of the president of the RF from 1st June, 2012 “On National strategy of actions as to interests of children for the years of 2012–2017”.

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