Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Problems of modernization of higher education in the context of quality assurance

Yu.N. Pak, G.K. Koshebaev, D.Yu. Pak

UDC 378::005.6



Yu.N. Pak is Dr.Sci. (Engineering), prof.; G.K. Koshebaeva is Dr.Sci. (Economy), prof.; and D.Yu. Pak is Cand.Sci. (Technics), doc. at Karaganda State Technical University, Republic of Kazakhstan e-mail: р


Analyzed is the situation in the system of higher education, formed as result of ongoing reforms. It is noted, that Kazakhstan universities are in complicated situation due to integration processes in the spirit of the Bologna declaration, formation of market economy and socially oriented society. Expanding massification of higher education and its accessibility actualize the problem of quality assurance as the main competitive advantage of university. The problem of introducing graduate competence model, its features and its relationship with traditional knowledge paradigm is discussed. Features of new generation of state educational standards are revealed, i.e. imbalance in ratio of compulsory and institutional components, its framework nature and possible risks. The emphasis is being made on need for substantial increase in funding for higher education, raising social status of university teacher and introduction of culture of quality as shared value and responsibility of all subjects of educational process.

Key words: modernization of education, higher school, quality assurance, independent accreditation, educational reforms, human capital.



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