Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Social aspects of patriotic breeding of the youth

L.M. Nizova, У.Н. Беляева

UDC  37+378   


L.M. Nizova is Dr.Sci. (Economy), prof.; and U.N. Belyaeva is master student at Volga State University of Technology e-mail:


Researched are social aspects of patriotic breeding under conditions of aggravation of international situation and distortion of historical and cultural values. The aim of the article is to identify priorities and problems in the system under study. Proposed are concrete measures to modernizing of the system of patriotic breeding at schools, colleges and universities, as to concrete regional level of education.

Key words: patriotism, youth, cadets, unarme, educational institution, national idea.



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