Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Eurosianism as a new rationality in social sciences the problem of modernity)

L.M. Tyurenkova

UDC  303(4+5) 


L.M. Tiurenkova is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc., dean of faculty of arts at Altai State Institute of Culture e-mail:


Examined is one of the most studied topics in recent decades of Eurasianism, analyzing in its various aspects in social Sciences. Examination of the phenomena of Eurasianism as special topic in social sciences is the least studied and the most problematic in analytical terms. Nevertheless, interest in the problem of Eurasianism of both foreign and Russian researchers, incl. from the point of view of political structure of the world, is being increased. To substantiate actuality of examining theme, presented are pre-requisites of some modern valuable researches, dedicated or indirectly to Eurosianism problematic, expressed in American and West-European sciences, constituent conceptional background Eurasianism. Shown is heterogeneous and many-aspect phenomena of analyzing theories. Stated is the problem of shortage of fundamental researches in examining of the phenomena of Eurasianism in Russia, that are necessary for complete thinking about developing processes, incl. processes of globalization. The concept of Eurasianism in the methodological aspect is presented as paradigm of social knowledge, viewed through the prism of globalism of all systems and structures of society. In conclusion, the key role of the study of Eurasianism for formation of multicultural space is revealed.

Key words: classical Eurasianism, pragmatic Eurasianism, Eurasian integration, globalization, social Sciences, paradigm, macroeconomics.



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