Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Integration of educational process with universities of Russia as condition of raising quality of education in the DNR

T.A. Nescreba, Н.А. Добровольская, Е.Д. Осиченко

UDC  378(470+571)+378(477.1-0)      


T.A. Neskreba is senior lecturer; N.A. Dobrovolskaya is doc., head of sub-faculty of physical culture; and E.D. Osichenko is lecturer at Donetsk National Medical University n.a. M. Gorky e-mail:


Researched is the problem of higher education as means of development of the state. Integration process would create unified labor market system for implementation of jointly built standards of higher education. This will increase mobility of employees of higher educational institutions, create single platform, on which specialists from different CIS countries will work, pursuing common goal. The article discusses the integration educational process as condition for improving the quality of educational services in the Donetsk People's Republic. Importance of the process of integration into the Russian education system is revealed. The article allows to consider positive features of integration of educational system of the DPR under military-political situation. Measures taken are aimed at creating favorable conditions for interaction of two educational systems. Also, first results of integration of educational system of the DPR are considered, and results of overall interaction of universities of the DPR and Russia are indicated.

Key words: integration, student, educational space, quality, competence, level, development.



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