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A.V. Gaidamakin is Dr.Sci. (History), prof. at Omsk State Transport University e-mail: gaydamak_aw@mail.ru
Discussed are the most important, most controversial aspects of the reform of humanitarian education in national higher technical school. The management style of reformers in solving the problems of training scientific and pedagogical personnel in the humanities and improving their skills, organizing the educational process is analyzed. Inconsistency of decisions on graduate school, dissertation advice, unclear and ill-conceived decisions about content and implementation of state standards in the humanities are shown. Uncontrolled growth of paper workflow is noted, that contradicts declarations of so-called “optimization” and reduces creative potential of teachers in scientific activity and in working with students. Revealed is special danger of immensely implanted in higher education institutions new methods and training technologies, that impedes understanding of logical connections between events and phenomena, comprehension of scientific theories, development of cultural wealth of Russia and the world, motivation of professional activity, formation of patriotism and conscious sense of civic duty. Confirmed is opinion of many experts, that university humanitarian education is being in state of crisis. The aim of the article consist in identifying shortcomings, errors made in the process of reforming humanities education system in higher technical schools, expressing the author’s views on obvious, severe consequences for the state and society of mistakes made, and in emphasizing the need to adjust ongoing university reform, especially it’s humanitarian education system.
Key words: higher technical school, humanitarian education, humanitarian education system, humanitarian disciplines, reform of humanitarian education, students, teachers, postgraduate studies, advanced training system, educational process, optimization, clip consciousness, quality of knowledge.
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