UDC 308+378:001.32
M.R. Safiullin is Dr.Sci. (Economy), prof., vice-rector; and L.A. Elshin is Dr.Sci. (Economy), director of scientific center at Kazan (Volga) Federal University e-mail: Leonid.Elshin@tatar.ru
Researched are problems of development of higher school, as well as it’s adaptation and harmonious entering in the system of social relations, that mean not only development of the system of values, but also formation of new mechanisms of functioning of higher school as an institute. That means necessity for creation of modern technologies of practical realization of scientific educational activity. Conceptual solvation of named problems dedicated the article. Through the prism of institutionalized analysis, it is disclosing fundamental problems of scientific sphere, as well as key directions of its adaptive bettering in frames of dynamically transforming social economic environment. The authors substantiate opinions, disclosing features and principal characteristics of formed in national socio-economic environment of scientific educational space. So, for example, presented are reasons, substantiating, that in the system of national higher school clearly enough are being tracing signs of not enough efficiency, expressing in the first place in its inertness, heterogeneity and unfillingness. Based on received evaluations and conclusions, the authors propose institutional directions of bettering now existing in the RF scientific sphere through the prism of structure reorganization of both the system of education and the system of realization of scientific activity.
Key words: institutional field of scientific sphere, higher school and academic science, social relations, effectiveness of scientific sphere, regional “scientific consulting”.
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