Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Balance of demand and supply of labor: regional dimension

L.M. Nizova, O.G. Biryukova

UDC 331.5:332.1  


L.M. Nizova is Dr.Sci. (Economy), prof.; and O.G. Biryukova is master student at Volga State University of Technology e-mail:


Researched the problem of balancing demand and supply of labor force in regional labor market. Priorities and problems in movement of vacant workplaces were identified on the basis of monitoring, the ratio of the number of unemployed and the need for workers by occupational group was drawn in particular the lack of balance between labor market and market of educational services. According to the authors to solve these problems among priorities to be realization of national projects in the sphere of raising labor productivity and supporting employment of population, training cadres in accordance with needs of economy and the labor market.

Key words: labor demand, labor supply, employer, employee, unemployed, vacancies, employment service, employment.



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