Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Risks of digital economy: sociocultural aspect

A.V. Mayakova

UDC 316:330::004   


A.V. Mayakova is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), scientific researcher at South-Western State University, Kursk city e-mail:    


Sociocultural risks of transition of economy into digital format under influence of total digitalization are discussed. The author proposes to consider digital economy as the system of socio-economic relations, arguing this assumption by multi-aspects of manifestations of such., The author analyzed principal number of risks of digital economy based on researches of modern scientists in the field of economic sciences. A comprehensive analysis of socio-cultural risks of digital economy allowed the author suggests, that the impact of digitalization on economy and society is being determined, first of all, by risks of digitalization itself. Also, the article defined positive consequences of digitalization of economy and society.

Key words: risk, sociocultural risk, digitalization, digital economy, society.



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