Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Text-book with deepening level

A.B. Izyumsky

UDCК 372.893: 93


A.B. Izyumsky is Cand.Sci. (History), doc. at Rostov Institute of Improvement Qualification and Professional Re-training of Personal of Education e-mail:


Presented is critical review, as to new school text-book in national history, published in frames of unified linear of school text-books. Principal attention of the author is centered on real mistakes, available in this text-book. Given is detailed analysis of these mistakes, and in connection with that, conclusion is made about how in principle that text-book might be used in educational process at school.

Key words: unified linear of school text-books, text-book in new history, advantages and disadvantages of text-book.