Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Theory and practice of museum training in cultural sphere of the system “new wave Lyceum — higher school”. Part 1. The role of museum education in for-mation of continuity of cultural direction of pre-university and university training

L.I. Lurie

УДК 378: 351.852 


L.I. Lourie  is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof.


Examined is the problem of museum education as the base of formation of cultural direction of educational process in various types of educational institutions. Conceptual and pedagogical foundations of museum education, trends and prospects of it’s development in modern conditions are considered, based on example of formation of culture orientation of education in the system of “new wave lyceums — higher school”. Researched are principal factors of translation of results of the named process. Outlined are factors, not allowing technological imitation as to forming new culture traditions, resembling mentality of different social groups, in which each specific educational institution functions are functioning.

Key words: lyceum education, culture, museum pedagogy, innovation, generalization of experience of educational activity.



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