Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Marriage and family in student years: students’ beliefs

M.P. Zelenskaya

UDC 316.6: 314     


M.P. Zelenskaya is post-graduate student at Peoples` Friendship University of Russia e-mail:


Researched is the problem of forming of social beliefs of modern Russian youth about family and birth of children on example of students of 1–4 years of studying courses as a special cohort, embodying nation reproductive and intellectual potential of the nation. The purpose of the article is to analyze social beliefs of a young persons, studying at university regarding family and birth of children and their dependence on other factors. The data analysis has revealed that most of students have positive attitude to creating a family and having a child, but for the period of their being at university studying and working are primary for them. Therefore, if something interferes with realization of such priorities, it is likely students mean, that they to be postponed until graduating from university and getting initial prospects at work.

Key words: family, reproductive attitudes, social beliefs, students, education, sociology, vignette method.



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