Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education



М.А. Савин, К.С. Галягин, М.А. Ошивалов, Ю.А. Селянинов, Е.И. Вахрамеев, Т.А. Ульрих

UDC  378.14.015.67; 378.145:147


M.A. Savin is senior lecturer e-mail: ; K.S. Galyagin is Cand.Sci. (Engineering), doc. e-mail: ; M.A. Oshivalov is Cand.Sci. (Engineering), doc. e-mail:; Yu.A. Selyaninov is Cand.Sci. (Engineering), doc. e-mail:; E.I. Vakhrameev is Cand. Sci. (Engineering), doc. e-mail: ; and T.A. Ulrikh is Cand.Sci. (Engineering), doc. e-mail:  at Perm National Research Polytechnic University


Researched is the process stormy development of information technologies and introduction of such in contemporary education. The article contains brief review of existing problem of distance learning and distant educational technologies at universities. Cases, when it is necessary to create own products to control students’ knowledge and organize distance learning, are detected. Such cases are shown as on example of the most popular and spreading distant learning system Moodle at both Russian and foreign universities. The article’s aim is to show usage efficiency of the author’s system (control automated system), created at Perm national research polytechnic university as web-support for training of students at technical university.

Key words: distance learning, information technologies, digital educational technologies, automated control systems, web-applications, net technologies, university education, tests, testing methods, test quality.



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