Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Formation of moral values of modern youth

T.N. Boyak

UDC 316.35: 378 


T.N. Boyak is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), doc., prof. of socio-cultural activity sub-faculty at East-Siberian State Institute of Culture e-mail:


Presented is research in some issues, connected with content of modern young people’s moral values and their formation in the period of reforming of Russian society. The author proceeds, that necessary is to consider moral values of a person, a social group in unity of valuable consciousness and behavior. Revealed are some shortcomings of moral culture, contradictions in the system of modern young generation values, conditioned by unfavorable influence of processes, proceeding in transformational Russian society. Formation of high level moral culture of youth considered is as important task, from success of it’s solution depend directly dynamic, perspectives of development of Russia. Also formulated are principal conditions for solution of this task.

Key words: youth, values, moral values, socialization, society, culture.



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