Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Trans-humanism: from ideas to paradigm

M.V. Kostolomova

UDC 316.75


M.V. Kostolomova is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), senior researcher at Institute of Socio-Political Research of RAS e-mail:


Examined is the theme of trans-humanism as philosophical conception, gaining increasingly more popularity owing to rapid development in equipment and technology, as well as their opportunities possessed. The author notes, that trans-humanism, correlating with these changes, takes new forms. At present the principal aim of trans-humanity is not just endless physical improvement of a person by using science and technology achievements, but to eliminate aging, disease and dying processes. The author criticizes such ideas of trans-humanism from certain key positions. Conclusion is made, that today with the aim of further developments in genetic engineering, cryonics and robotics industry, trans-humanists need to lay groundwork, that will serve as new trans-humanistic paradigm. Also described are possible consequences of the actions, being already taken or planned.

Key words: trans-humanism, trans-humanistic paradigm, education, self-evolution, science, dehumanization.



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