Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Identity and Individuality

E.N. Imangaliev

UDC 1: 316            


E.N. Imangaliev is Head of Education of Karaganda region, Kazakhstan e-mail:


Studied are principal theories of identity, embracing classical researches of 20th century and contemporart post-modern reflection. Presented is comparative analysis of pre-mordial and constructivist conceptions of identity. Sketched are perspectives of anti-reproduction methodologies of research of the phenomena of identity in the light of poly-morphology of it’s parameters in the context of post-industrial society and general holistic thematic of human being as complex, not-bringing to sum of his parts essence.

Key words: identity, individuality, constructivism, post-modernizm, participatival strategy, modern, reflective project.



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