Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Method of research of human capital in socio-cultural space of the Chuvash Republic

V.A. Mukin

UDC 331.1        


V.A. Mukin is Cand.Sci. (Physics & Mathematics), doc. at I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University e-mail:


Presented is the method for categorical analysis of the quality of life and it’s manifestations in realities of current socio-economic reality of one of the national republics of the RF. The concept of human capital in terms of spatial presentation of socio-cultural phenomena is clarified. As a material for development of the research, the method of algorithm, taxonomic sampling of official statistical data of the Chuvash Republic reflecting quantitative and qualitative ideas about human capital has been carried out. Proposed phase space method for comprehensive study of socio-economic and cultural processes will serve as monitoring tool for management decisions related to development of human capital of the Chuvash Republic. Express analysis, carried out on it’s basis, will make it possible to identify in the shortest possible time the most acute problems of the life of community in the region and take effective decisions to build up human capital of republic, ensuring the growth of real sector of national economy.

Key words: human capital, socio-cultural space, phase space method, quality of life.


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