M.N. Grechkina is PhD student at Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute n.a. M.E. Evsevyev e-mail:
Discussed are features of information freedom in the space of mixed objective virtual reality. Presented is the analysis relationship of information freedom and culture, positive and negative aspects of it’s manifestation. Content of information freedom under conditions of mixed reality is revealed. Transformation of individual identities under new opportunities of information freedom is analyzed. Results, presented by the author, theoretically justify the need to create a new culture of information use, the basis of which is being responsible use of data. In conclusions of the article is demonstrated, that classical rational concept of information freedom loses it’s importance due to destruction of cause-and-effect relationships, inherent in real physical world in the space of mixed reality.
Key words: mixed objective virtual reality, information freedom, culture, information, value, personality, identity, information violence.
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