A.M. Belov is Dr.Sci. (Philology), doc. at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University e-mail:
Analyzed is learning text-book by N.N. Nizametdinova “Introduction into linguistics”. Shown are obvious mistakes and omissions on the background of new discoveries and achievements of science and pedagogical practice. Attention is drawn to the logical inconsistencies, bad wording and compositional blunders. The review is aiming to show, what should not be modern manual on main linguistic course and what mistakes should be avoided by future authors and readers of such books.
Key words: introduction into linguistics, linguistic theory and practice, philological criticism, scientific ethics.
1. Ilyenkov, E.V. Ideality. In: Philosophy encyclopedia. Moscow, 1962. Vol. 2. P. 219–227.
2. Uspensky, L.V. Words about words. Why not otherwise. Leningrad, 1971.
3. Reformatsky, A.A. Introduction into linguistics. Moscow, 1996.
4. Efremov, Yu.N. Parasites on astronomy. In defiance of science. 2008. No. 4. P. 83–96.