S.V. Rogatykh is Cand.Sci. (Biology), senior researcher at Scientific Research Geo-technological Center of DVO RAS e-mail:, and E.A. Devyatova is Cand.Sci. (Biology), head of sub-faculty at Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University e-mail:
Analyzed are issues, concerning cooperation of university and scientific research institution in the sphere, determining the base of student’s practice. The aim of the article is to determine links and the role of collection of micro-organisms in scientific research institute with passage of production and pre-graduation practice of university students. Allocation of these motives facilitates organization of production practice in scientific research and production laboratories of academic and applied science, requiring deep specialized training as to participation in that activity. Passage of corresponding production and pre-diploma practice by students of Kamchatka higher school allowed to strengthen results of student’s training and to create new level of his knowledge, skills and characteristics, as well as to determine formation of his personality as specialist.
Key words: collection of micro-organisms, bio-diversity, bio-technology, Kamchatka, industrial practice, scientific research institution.
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