Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Ten indicators of development of civil society in Uzbekistan

S.Sh. Saidov


S.Sh. Saidov is doctoral candidate at Uzbek State World languages University, Uzbekistan  e-mail:


Analyzed are principal factors of development of civil society in Uzbekistan. Noted is, that in Uzbekistan in stages and consistently is being built civil society, enriching with new tendencies and components. In connection with that, in the article formulated and analyzed are indicators of development of both democracy and civil society. Also in the article analyzed are newest social-political reforms, realizing under leadership of nowadays president of the country Sh. Mirzieev.

Key words: civil society, indicators, non-state non-commercial organizations, financing of NNO, makhallya, social capital.