Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Students’ Olympiads on the theory of machines and mechanisms in the system of training high qualified engineering cadres under modern conditions

E.G. Krylov, В.Б. Балякин

E.G. Krylov is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), Cand.Sci. (Engineering), doc. at M.T. Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University e-mail:; and V.B. Balyakin is Dr.Sci. (Engineering), prof., head of sub-faculty at Samara State Aerospace University n.a. academician S.P. Korolyov e-mail:


Discussed is the problem of raising motivation of students of technical universities for studying the discipline of “Theory of machines and mechanisms” in relation with formation of future engineer’s personality. As approach that allows students to obtain profound comprehensive knowledge and skills in the field of this discipline, suggested is, that they should be widely involved in training for Olympiads of different levels. With practical examples from Olympiad practice, technique of formation of concrete personal qualities of engineer is shown. Also shown are integrative character of discussing educational activity, as well as influence of training and participation in Olympiads on cultural level of students.

Key words: theory of machine and mechanisms, students’ competition, personal qualities of engineer.


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