O.Ya. Zhirova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. , head of sub-faculty e-mail:; O.I. Alekseeva is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. e-mail:; and
L.P. Saraeva is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. e-mail:
at Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture
Examined are some aspects of development, reconstruction, adaptation and cultivation of folklore heritage into modern society. The authors substantiate significance and relevance of comprehension of folk musical art in theoretical and applied aspects. Positive experience of solving of this problem is considered on example of activity of institutions of culture, art and education of the Belgorod region. Special attention is paid to the analysis, approved in practice forms of cultural and educational work. Genres of song folklore of the south of Russia are separately considered, specifics of which opens up wide potential opportunities for their modern “reading” in activities of professional and amateur collectives.
Key words: folklore heritage, musical genres of folklore, folk traditions, cultural and educational space, development, reconstruction, recreation, integrated approach.
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