Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Globalization of theatrical art of post-modern. Changing orientations and values

T.Yu. Afanasieva


T.Yu. Afanasieva is senior lecturer of foreign languages and intercultural communication sub-faculty at Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture e-mail:


Researched is historical and cultural situation, formed at the turn of 20th and 21st centuries, in all of it’s components, that made necessary to create approaches to understanding and explaining principles of world perceptions, that had been established earlier. In this context, they find explanation for emergence of post-modernism as special and dominant cultural interpretation in modern cultural space. Researched are constituents of post-modern, among such theater takes special place because of it’s artistic forms of reflection in arts, proclaiming themselves in formation in modern person of new perceptions in reality. The author conclusion is made, that from position of post-modernism, reflecting irrationalism, emerging picture of the world space is embodiment of disorder, illogicality and disunity of traditional ties.

Key words: post-modern, theatre, art, meta-theatricality, stage production, art of the game, theatrical trends, theatrical forms, new drama, scenic embodiment.



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