Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Ontology conception of music (experience in modeling categorical discourse of Christian anthropology of music)

L.A. Romenskaya, A.A. Nizhnik, E.V. Oster


L.A. Romenskaya is Cand.Sci. (Art criticism), prof., head of sub-faculty;

A.A. Nizhnik is Cand.Sci. (Art criticism), head of sub-faculty; and

E.V. Oster is lecturer in theory of music

at Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture



Proposed is presentation of ontology of music, i.e. one of sections of cognitive musicology. The value of ontological approach lies in modeling of spatial temporal and semantic parameters of music existence. From positions of historical cultural approach, is being implemented categorical synthesis, thanks to what onto-logical conception revealing spiritual meanings of musical product as creative process and music as being of intercourse. Ontology of music is the way of self-realization of personality (subject of creativity) integrity of Being through intercourse in consistent unity of space-time of possible communicative intentions of “composer →performer →listener”. Results of ontological analysis of musical product might open up perspective for extrapolation of it’s methods into broad context of musical culture, both temple and secular.

Key words: ontology of music, philosophical and theological discourse, musicological discourse, space, time, sense.



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