Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Professionally oriented tasks in the process of formation of communicative self-efficiency of future engineers of fire safety security

V.V. Ignatova, Т.Н. Пасечкина

V.V. Ignatova is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof., head of sub-faculty at academician M.F. Reshetnev’s Siberian State University of Science and Technology e-mail: ; and T.N. Pasechkina is senior lecturer at Siberian Fire Rescue Academy of MES of Russia e-mail:


Researched is the problem of formation of communicative self-efficacy of future fire safety engineers at the stage of professional training at higher educational institution as important meta-quality, determining features of communicative behavior of person in various situations, incl. professional ones. Attention is paid to consideration of communicative skills in the context of soft skills and successful formation of them in practice of practical using of professionally oriented tasks of communicative nature. The authors believe, that such tasks, conducting in the system, enable students to demonstrate their communicative skill abilities, as well as persistency and stubbornness in overcoming difficulties in the process of professional communication, leading to formation of communicative self-efficacy. Also some results of the research are presented.

Key words: self-efficacy, communicative self-efficacy, professionally oriented tasks of communicative nature.


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