Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


What means GTO for us?

Т.Ф. Мартиросова, А.В. Дейниченко


T.A. Martirosova is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc.; and A.V. Deinichenko is student at Siberian State University of Science and Technology n.a. M.F. Reshetnev e-mail:


Presented is brief historical excursus about origin and development of the GTO complex. To obtain a more complete picture and better understanding of the topic was conducted a survey about the value of GTO for students, showed that in most part young people do not understand importance of proper classes of physical culture and values of the GTO. Revealed is that infrastructure for holding of delivery standards of the GTO is not yet sufficiently organized. Also presented the analysis of content of the GTO complex, including three blocks, i.e. theoretical, methodological and practical. Put forward is the theory about correct vaccination people with healthy lifestyle through acquaintance with theoretical course with it’s complete understanding.

Key words: GTO, analysis, infrastructure, block, material-technical base, physical culture.


  1. Development of mass physical culture in modern Russia: traditions and prospects of implementation of WFSC (GTO). In: Personal projects as a way of determining the individual trajectories of physical development of students to fulfill the requirements of ASC RLD. Krasnoyarsk, 2015, pp. 57–59.
  2. Rules of sports and TRP. URL:
  3. The history of the TRP. URL:
  4. The meeting of the Council for development of physical culture and sport. URL: