Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Third generation universities in modern socio-economic conditions

A.A. Voinova

A.А.Voinova is Head of International Academic Mobility Center at Dubna State University



Analyzed is the concept of third generation universities, emerging in new socio-cultural and economic conditions. Global challenges that oppose the world higher educational system and classical university as it’s basis are identified. The processes of transformation of university from classical social institution into subject of economy, that deals with production of scientific and educational services are described. Main approaches to definition of the concept of the “third mission of the university” and underlying theories of entrepreneurial university are analyzed. Also noted are principal directions of entrepreneurial activity of university of the third generation, that consist in training of innovators, production and transfer of innovative products to interested public entities on a fee-for-service basis, commercialization of educational products, attracting outside material and financial resources for development of university, creation of objects of innovative infrastructure, formation of entrepreneurial culture of employees and students, etc.

Key words: third mission of university, third generation university, entrepreneurial university, informational society, classical university, economy of knowledge.


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