Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Rating of power and economic indicators in Russia: discrepancy

I.M. Borisov


I.M. Borisov is post-graduate student at Academy of Labour and Social Relations e-mail:


Compared are indices of social sentiments, fixing by leading sociological services of the RF with a number of important economic indicators from the beginning of the year of 2014. Difficult economic situation in the country, that leads to certain level of falling real incomes, increased poverty and social inequality, nevertheless doesn’t give rise to any significant social upheavals, reflecting the degree of deterioration in economic conditions of large number of citizens. Such situation requires causal analysis. The article presents graphs, showing how the discrepancy between power ratings and the dynamic of economic indicators looks, and also enumerates possible reasons for this discrepancy.

Key words: social inequality, correlation, discrepancy, real incomes, poverty, public sentiments, power, manipulation.



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  2. Disparity and poverty. URL:
  3. Approval of organs of power. URL:
  4. Approval of current situation in the country. URL:
  5. Indexes of social general state. URL:
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  7. Why rating of power is growing while incomes of Russians are lowering? URL:
  8. Shuvalov: Lowering of incomes of Russians comes to end. URL:
  9. Putin: Incomes of Russians are growing. URL:
  10. Head of Mintrud: to second half year of 2015 real incomes of Russian would begin to grow. URL:
  11. Sergey Ivanov says, that sanctions are of benefit to Russia. URL: