Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Foreign language in modern engineering education (example of Siberian Federal University)

V.V. Vonog


V.V. Vonog is Cand.Sci. (Culturology), doc., head of sub-faculty at Siberian Federal University e-mail:


Analyzed is the role of foreign language in creating a successful image of expert of engineering profile within framework of Siberian Federal University project, based on training and obligatory testing of students to proficiency in English in accordance with the internationally recognized system. The article is aimed at considering increasing role of the discipline within common cultural and personal development of future expert. Qualities of competitive expert of engineering profile in international context of profession development have been considered, the role of foreign language as means of professional cross-cultural communication and integral part of professional education of expert has been proved, conceptual bases of model of creating professional personality, which generate productive and creative nature of linguistic education have been studied.

Key words: foreign language, engineering education, learning individual’s development situation, professional education, testing.



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