Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Problems of protection of rights of the youth as participant in civil right relations in modern Russia

N.A. Lyubkina

N.A. Lyubkina is Cand.Sci. (Politology), doc., at Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics e-mail:

Investigated is the problem of protection of rights of youth as participant of civil rights relations in contemporary Russia. Presented analysis of widely spread violations of rights and legitimate interests of young citizens in civil rights sphere. The author notes, that as to the youth the state of legal protection is of particular relevance for the reason, that at the stage of personal development usually called youthfulness, there is being formation of key components of legal consciousness, value orientation in relation to the law. Conclusion is made, that in case if the youth feels their vulnerability in the sphere of legal relations, it examines existing the current social system as socially unjust, therefore arises high probability of formation nihilistic legal settings and other deformities of justice consciousness.

Key words: youth, rights of youth, civil laws, civil legal relations.


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