Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Persons with higher education: features of dynamics in Soviet and post-Soviet periods

Victoria F. Pugach


V.F. Pugach is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), prof. at Higher Education Quality Institute of NUST MISIS



Shown are features of dynamics of the share of persons with higher education in Soviet and post-Soviet periods, incl. through gender aspects. Based on educational statistics and census materials, the paper analyses the share of persons with higher education both against the total population of the USSR, RSFSR and Russian Federation and against those employed in the economy, as well as indicator dynamics. By applying a gender asymmetry index, dynamics of education characteristics related to gender parity are quantitatively estimated. Results: the author reveals the long-term, up to early 21st century, impact of the “demographic war echo” on dynamics of the share of people with higher education by population age groups, as well as rapid growth of gender asymmetry with substantial advance of women in getting higher education compared to men.

Key words: employed in economy, persons with higher education. gender composition, gender asymmetry index, dynamics of the share of persons with higher education, age groups of population, demographic echo of the war.



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