Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Understanding of security in categories of sociocultural approach

N.A. Yankova


N.A. Yankova is Cand.Sci. (Philology), doc. at International Law Institute e-mail:


Researched is theoretical and methodological base of sociocultural approach for conceptualization of the notion of security, defining mechanisms for realization of security under modern conditions. Given is interpretation of safety in static and dynamic way, and also substantiated is expediency of removing security not from the category of security, but from ability of the subject to reproductive activity. The author, correlating the phenomenon of security with key provisions of sociocultural approach, shows it’s heuristic possibilities for understanding significance of subject’s activity in reproductive activities and sociocultural dynamics to understand the destructive potential of social and cultural contradictions and their origins, and to develop mechanisms of overcoming destructive occurrences and processes.

Key words: sociocultural approach, security, personality, society, culture, activity, sociocultural dynamics.



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