Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Formation of the concept of negative resistance in the course of general physics of technical universities

S.P. Babenko, A.V. Badyin


S.P. Babenko is Dr.Sci. (Engineering), prof. at Bauman Moscow State Technical university e-mail: ; and A.V. Badyin is Cand.Sci. (Physics & Mathematics) at Lomonosov Moscow State University e-mail:


Introduction to the concept of negative resistance begins in the school course with the study of the amplifier in a vacuum triode. Further it continues in the course of general physics of technical universities when acquainted with the laws of direct current and, further, can deepen when acquainted with the electrical conductivity of solids and semiconductor devices. In this paper, it is proposed, without changing the curriculum, to broaden the students' notion of the concept of negative resistance, the role of this concept in the development of semiconductor radio electronics. This will undoubtedly increase their erudition in the direction of creating and applying a wide class of modern semiconductor devices. In addition, familiarity with the nature of feedback of semiconductor self-excited oscillators will show the crucial role of theoretical knowledge obtained in the section of acquaintance with the elements of solid state physics in solving modern practical problems.

Key words: negative resistance, feedback, Gunn diode, tunnel diode, avalanche-transit diode, self-excited oscillator.



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